Saturday, June 11, 2011

Major milestone: 24 weeks.

Apparently when you're a high-risk pregnancy, 24 weeks is a really important milestone. At 24 weeks, a baby is able to survive outside the womb, should it be born prematurely. However, a 24-week baby is not going to be a healthy baby, and is likely going to have a lifetime of health (physical and cognitive) problems, should it survive. I have refused to read in any detail about what any of these problems are, because I don't want to know. And because my baby is hanging out just FINE in there, and is not going to be born at 24 weeks (although today starts the paranoia that will lead up to my next appointment on Friday). So while it's a significant milestone to the doctors, I'm treating this week just like any other week of my pregnancy. For me the big milestone will be 30 weeks, where the baby has a MUCH better chance of survival, and when the risks for certain problems (like cerebral palsy, etc.) associated with premature birth tend to drop significantly. At 34 weeks I'll be golden, since that's when Owen was born, and I know I can handle that. (The goal, obviously, is to make it to 40 weeks).

This week tells me this little girl is a foot long! And I have to share the link below showing the picture for this week, because I guarantee you that is exactly how she is situated in there. I was woken up at least 4 times last night due to very forceful kicks right to the bladder, which she is happily sitting on top of.

And a big shout out this weekend to Kristie and Larry, Sue, Charlie and my dad, all of whom are either at one of the houses right now, or have been in the last couple days. Today folks are hauling away the old brick retaining wall, finishing up the tiling project in the main bathroom, and... painting! I'm hoping to maybe make a REAL quick appearance over there today or tomorrow to at least see how the paint colors I picked actually look on the walls. It's so weird to not be a part of all that's going on over there. But I'll be there soon - we move a week from tomorrow!

Also, a giant thanks to Uncle Greg and Aunt Bonnie for the amazing gourmet meal that was delivered (by cousin Lauren) to our house last night. We feasted on eggplant parmesan, fresh roasted vegetables and a giant slice of raspberry lemon cake. And I happily opened the bottle of wine they got us, having about 1/4 of a glass with my dinner, and it was... divine. Thank you!

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