Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Laying low.

So I think I maybe over-did it this weekend. I mean. I didn't too too much, but I maybe wasn't laying down as much as I should have been? Anyway, the last couple of days I've been having some lower back pain, and have been contracting a bit more than usual. I'm not really panicked about it, as it's nothing consistent or painful - just uncomfortable and unnerving. The rule of thumb from my doctors is if I have more than 4 contractions an hour, for more than 2 hours, that don't subside with laying down and drinking copious amounts of water, then I should go in and get checked out. I'm nowhere near that, but I would say I have been having contractions maybe once an hour on average. I think a lot of it has to do with how active the baby has been in the past few days, too. Sometimes a really swift kick will set off a contraction, it seems (which just happened, as I was typing that very sentence!). I had a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions with Owen, so I wasn't surprised when I started to really feel them around 20 weeks. But given my situation, it's something I need to keep a close eye on.

So it would be fitting that the week before the big move is the week I feel like I should do nothing but rest. Assuming everything is fine (appointment is Friday morning), I hope to at least help a little bit with the move - even if to just sit around the new house and direct people on what to do and where to put things!

Luckily Eric has some good help lined up this week for painting, and I have some good help lined up around here. Kristie is coming out tonight to hang with me and Owen, and my parents and Grandma are coming for a visit tomorrow night. Thursday night Owen is with my parents, who will bring him back out on Friday night, at which point we'll take the first trailer-load of stuff over to the new house!

Oh, also, Eric got his cast off already! The doctor said with the break in the location it was, he didn't need to keep the cast on - instead he just has his two fingers taped together and was told "not to lift anything heavy." Ha. Figures. But at least the cast is off. After him working at the house and running with it on for a week, it was so stinky I was about to rip it off myself. Gross.

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