Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fortune cookie wisdom.

Here is my fortune by way of cookie from our China Ruby carry-out last night. I think it's a pretty good one, so far as fortune cookie fortunes go. I mean. You can't, technically, prepare for the unexpected, because, well, it's unexpected. But I think it's a good mindset to have, to basically be ready to handle anything that comes your way, whether you've planned for it or not. Story of my life, right?

That being said, I stopped by (real quick-like) the new house today after my weekly progesterone shot appointment (the new house is about a mile down the road from my midwife's office - SCORE). And I might have had a mini panic attack, standing in the dining room, tools everywhere, drywall patched holes in the walls, drywall and plaster dust all over the floors, etc. The last time I was there, I remember feeling like: okay, all we need is a little paint, and some new fixtures, and we're good to go. But now it's like, an actual renovation project in progress. And we move in 4 days.

But then I walked into Owen's room, and looked at the new cool paint on the walls (like a pebble-gray), and pictured his big-boy bed with the Thomas bedding, his firetruck toy chest, and the shelves my dad built on the wall holding all of his toys. And then I walked into the baby's room, and pictured the crib I'm soon to order, the antique dresser I'm going to paint for her, and the beautiful faux crystal chandelier I want to hang from her ceiling. And it occurred to me, as it often does, that you could throw me in a one-bedroom apartment with my family, and not only would we find a way to make it work - but we'd be happy. Would I like to live in a half-million-dollar, ready to move into, beautiful, perfect dream house? Yes. But I guarantee you that this house, in its quaint little neighborhood, that we've already begun pouring our love and sweat into before we've even moved in, will be equally as full of good times and happiness and love as any other place we could be. And if it isn't perfect for the first several months because there's just so much to do and so little time, then so be it. It will get done eventually, and it will be perfect.

And how blessed are we that Eric's last day of school/work is Monday? So after that, he has nothing to do but work on the house. I'm hopeful that the rest of the work will get done MUCH more quickly with Eric being able to dedicate the majority of his time to finishing up all the little (okay some are big) projects and loose ends. Which brings me to another thing I'm thankful for - the fact that Eric and I get to spend the summer together! Granted, I'll be on the couch for most of it, but we'll both be home all summer, and can hopefully get in at least a little bit of quality couple-time before baby #2 arrives!

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