There was also some very technical conversation between the ultrasound tech and the doctor about the "excess amniotic fluid" I seem to be carrying around. She explained to me that this is often a sign of gestational diabetes (seriously?). However, she also said it could just be a fluke. She suggested I move up my GD test (haha, that can certainly be taken a few ways), to sometime next week, rather than waiting for when I had it scheduled a couple weeks from now. So I'll be doing that next Wednesday. Wouldn't it figure? To have to deal with that on top of everything else? It would.
The ultrasound room today didn't have the monitor up on the wall like they usually do, so I didn't get to see most of the scanning (which took a while, as they were taking all the baby's measurements again). I did get to see her a bit at the end, though, and was told that all her measurements are right on track. And the ultrasound tech confirmed what I already knew to be true - that she is lodged waaaay down low, feet down, back out (facing in). So basically every kick is right on top of my cervix and bladder, which is super uncomfortable. It took me hours to fall asleep the other night, and I finally only did so propped up with 2 pillows under my hips to get her to slide up higher in my belly and stop with the incessant kicking! Man, it's weird having a little person dancing around in your stomach.
In totally unrelated news, I cannot stop eating nectarines. I don't even know where they're in season right now, but they are SO good. Thanks to the hubby for running out last night to pick up some more, and a few other goodies (Mexicali dip, I just can't quit you) to get me through the next few days.
I probably won't post over the weekend, as I think it's going to be CHAOS with the move. But will put up some photos and a summary post on Monday. Thanks in advance to our friends and family who will be helping us out this weekend!
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