Friday, July 1, 2011

Ultrasounds and new stoves.

My maternal/fetal specialist, Dr. Murphy, is on vacation this week, along with the rest of the world, I feel. But in her absence she wanted me to keep my ultrasound appointment today, so early this morning Eric, Owen and I all took a trip to West Bloomfield to see what the baby is up to.

This was Owen's first visit to a doctors appointment with me. He did pretty good! He didn't understand what was going on on the screen, but when the tech turned on the sound so we could hear the heartbeat - that really got his attention. I think he leaped about 5 feet back from me and the exam table when he heard that sound. But then we had her play it again, and Owen agreed that the baby sounded really good.

I got a cervix measurement of 2.2 (woohoo!), and she said my fluid all looked totally normal. There is still a "large" pocket of fluid, for some reason, but she didn't seem concerned with it at all. Here's a little video of baby girl - she has a big yawn near the end of it - pretty stinkin' cute.

Overall I feel pretty good about the appointment. I do like it better when Dr. Murphy is there to assist the tech and make sure all the measurements are totally accurate. But this girl has been doing my ultrasounds for a while now, and I think she has gotten much better about getting good measurements. Plus she's just, like, the nicest girl. And she thought Owen was adorable. So there's that.

In home improvement news Eric and I made a REAL quick trip into Home Depot yesterday to buy a new stove (thank the LORD), and to pick out a new back door. Our awesome Magic Chef stove that came with the house has got to GO.

That's right, it comes "with UNIBURNERS." And look at that sweet timer!

Not only is it missing half the knobs, but it also kind-of... shoots orange flames out of the burners?

Oh, and last night I burnt my thumb on it just by touching the outside of the stove while I was cooking. It has zero insulation/seal and I won't be using the oven again - major hazard with a toddler in the house. We knew when we bought the house that it needed a new stove. But we thought we could make-do with this one for a few months until we could really afford to buy a new one. Turns out that it being an actual hazard has moved it WAY up on the priority list. Pretty, shiny, safe new stove arrives next Wednesday.

We then came home and ordered online the new chandelier for the dining room and coordinating sconces for the living room. We generally buy most things on the lower end, price-wise. The stove we bought was the cheapest GE white gas stove that Home Depot sells. The door we picked out was a cheap, standard steel door with a window. But these lights, let me tell you. They are FUN. And decidedly NOT cheap. But I think they'll really make the dining room and living room look all pulled together. And I wasn't able to find anything else similar for a cheaper price (believe me, I looked). So the budget takes one for the team with the lights. I think it will totally be worth it.

We have no big 4th of July weekend plans this year, sadly. Much of my family is at my aunt and uncle's place up on Torch Lake. Which looks like this:

That is seriously an unedited photo. It looks like the ocean. But it's the floating dock at Torch. I am SO SAD to not be getting up there this summer. Look out AB and UG, we're coming for a whole WEEK next summer!

But Eric has some BBQs to take Owen to, and I may do a little laying by the pool with my mom tomorrow (Trish the midwife said it would be okay). So all is not lost. Happy long weekend everyone!


  1. Hi!
    Just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your blog since my friend Justine recommended it to me about a week ago. I, too, am on bedrest (since the end of April with a SCH), and I'm going crazy since I feel like I'm missing out on this summer! I'm not due until the end of November and I have 2 little girls (3 and 4), so bedrest has been challenging on all fronts. Your blog has given me something to stalk (in a non-creepy way) and help pass the time :) Happy 4th of July!

  2. Thanks Emily! I'm glad to know other people in the same boat are reading it and getting a kick out of it. This bedrest thing is crazy - more power to you for having TWO little ones to also keep track of. Best of luck!
