Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Something to celebrate.

Nope, not a baby being born. But almost as good.

I've been getting these progesterone injections (which are shown to help prevent preterm labor) once a week since I was 18 weeks pregnant. I'm now 36 weeks pregnant. I went in today for my LAST injection. That's 18 injections total, folks. For someone who hates needles.

And I've mentioned before that these aren't your every-day injections like a flu-shot or vitamin injection. It's an unusually large needle. And a "very viscous solution" - meaning it's very thick and hard to inject, not that it has a particularly nasty demeanor. Although I think if it had a demeanor, it wouldn't be a pleasant one. It is a hormone, after all.

Anyway, the nurses were so excited for me. Brenda, the nurse who always gives me the injection, was particularly happy. I think she loathes giving these shots, as she always apologizes the whole time. Lucky for her she's super sweet, and super good at giving the shots as quickly and painlessly (ha) as possible.

Brenda also made a comment today that rattled me a bit, but then really put things into perspective for me. She said: "You know, we don't ever tell anyone this, but the chances of you carrying this baby as long as you have after what you went through so early on are... not so great. So this baby was clearly meant to be and you've done a great job at doing everything you could to keep her in there, and I can't wait to meet her."

I almost cried. Because. Of course they aren't going to tell you what the outlook is if it's not great. It's all about the positive energy and "good vibes" as my cousins would say. And it worked. As I am now SO ready for this girl to come on out and meet us. There are no words to describe the weight that is now off my shoulders.

And sorry, PJ, but it's not looking like she'll be born today, on Trenton's birthday. I even ate some spicy food last night to see if I could get things rolling. Guess we'll have to wait and see if she arrives on MY birthday (the 7th) or Owen's birthday (the 8th)! Although we are not-so-secretly hoping she arrives any time now!

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