Yep. That's red raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil. Both of which are supposed to help bring on labor. Neither will "induce" labor, but both are said to help soften the cervix and make it easier for labor to start. So we'll give them a try. My midwife also suggested taking a hot bath every night both to help with the insane ligament pain I've started to have this week, and to possibly help bring on labor. People have also mentioned the use of castor oil to me, but I'm a little too leery of the side effects (mainly being diarrhea and vomiting) to consider that just yet. I'm not really that desperate.
And since I have nothing new and exciting to post about the pregnancy, and because I was bored today, I decided to take a bunch of photos of what's been going on around this old house of ours, and update folks on our more recent progress with some particular projects.
Mainly, and most excitingly to me, being that we finally hung up our photos on the dining room wall. I had lined up 14 frames along the floor below this wall months ago, and there they sat. For two reasons: First, we were afraid of putting all those nails into the plaster walls. Second, I had no idea how I was going to arrange them. We knew we wanted them to be kind-of like a "collage" and to not be all neat and organized. But there's an art form to doing that without it looking totally crappy, I think.
We laid them all out on the floor first, then took some photos on my phone so we'd remember what we liked where. It was like putting together a big puzzle. Then, well, we just started hanging them. Don't tell my dad. We leveled the one frame that had 2 hooks in the back, but the rest we just sort-of... winged it. And surprisingly it turned out pretty good! Except the longer we stared at it, the more we realized some of the frames were slightly off-center, and there was a weird gap in the lower right corner. So I spent 20 minutes shifting and re-hanging about 5 of the frames, and bought one more cheap Target frame to add to the mix, and THEN we decided it was done.
I know some of the frames are a little crooked, and every time I think it's perfect, one frame will shift and make the whole thing look off-balance. We're going to pick up some of those 3M sticky things to put on the backs of the frames to keep them from shifting on us. Hopefully that will do the trick.
I can see it from the living room couch, and I love that it's already become a kind-of conversation piece in our house. Lucky for us, the plaster walls were really easy to put regular finishing nails into. I'm guessing its either mesh or drywall underneath, so it wasn't as scary a project as we had predicted. A few of the holes did chip away at the plaster a bit, but nothing that we can't patch up pretty easily if/when we ever take them down or try to sell the house.
Owen loves it, too, as most of the pictures are of him (for now, buddy - enjoy it while it lasts).
We also are finally using the "bonus room" at the base of our master bedroom/bathroom. The room in which we were sleeping on the mattress on the floor for several months. It is already proving to be a great office space, and makes the whole first floor feel that much bigger now that we have extra work/play room. (I am punching myself for not having any "before" photos, but those of you who have been here at least know what it all looked like before)!
Eventually we plan on putting a (wrought iron, white, antique-y) daybed along one wall, so it can also function as a second place to watch TV (for those times when I would like to watch the news (who am I kidding, I would like to watch The Bachelor) and Owen would like to watch Super Why). Then we'll also have a space for guests (such as cousins or mothers helping with the baby) to crash for the night that is a bit nicer than the living room couch.
And yes, that's my hospital bag all packed and ready on the floor. The little pink bird guy on top is to hang from the BLUE car seat when we bring her home, so everyone knows she's a girl!
And while I was snapping photos, I took a few of this hat, from my cousin Lauren.
This hat. Let me tell you. I was dying over it on here on Etsy for a few weeks, but decided not to spend the money. And Lauren went out and ORDERED it for me (um, for the baby)! I'm packing it away in my hospital bag so that if we decide to do newborn portraits at the hospital, she can wear it. Because it is probably the cutest hat I've ever seen in my life. Thanks Lauren!
We'll keep everyone posted on whether this primrose oil and raspberry tea start working their magic!