Tuesday, May 31, 2011


For whatever reason, this baby (who is the length of a spaghetti squash this week!) prefers the lower right side of my belly far better than any other location. To the point where if I have on a tight shirt, there is a clear bulge on just my right side, and I look noticeably lopsided. When I do manage to shift her over to a more comfortable position, she always ends up working her way back over to the right side, back pressing out against my belly (so much that I sometimes think it's a contraction when it's not), and feet kicking me in the bladder. But as long as she's comfortable, I guess it doesn't matter so much if I am!

So I'm starting to notice a pattern to my mood and anxiety levels in correlation to my doctors appointments. After the appointment a week and a half ago, I was PSYCHED at how well things were going, and felt pretty good about the situation and about the (very) small things I was now allowed to do around the house (like stand long enough to make Owen a can of spaghettios, and take showers longer than 5 minutes, etc.). But as the excitement from that appointment wears off, and the anticipation of the next appointment grows (its this Thursday morning), I find myself reverting back to just being anxious and nervous all the time. Is it bad that I left the house TWICE yesterday? Should I not have folded all that laundry and put it away on Friday? Is the fact that I've been up more this past week going to result in a bad diagnosis at my appointment on Thursday? And then I come to the decision that I should probably just not get out of bed for the next few days until that appointment, just to be sure.

It's an emotional roller-coaster, to say the least.

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