These were the words from the ultrasound technician as she was trying to take some measurements of this rambunctious baby girl. She was squirming all over, not exactly cooperating with the ultrasound wand (the video clip shows her being relatively still). But I wasn't going to complain - I got to lay there for 20 minutes watching her kick and punch and "drink" fluid. Crazy. I'm starting to realize that this is one awesome benefit of all this - I get to see her every 2 weeks for the rest of my pregnancy. Most women don't see their baby between the 20 week anatomy scan and when they're born 20 weeks later!
Thank you to all my friends and family for your encouraging words and "good vibes" regarding my appointment today. I'm happy to report that it went GREAT! I'm measuring at almost 2 cm, so things are actually continuing to improve, which means this bed-rest thing is actually working. I did get the okay to be up and about just a wee bit more than I have been - meaning that I don't need to be laying down every minute of the day, but with the caveat that the more I do lay down, the better, as clearly it is working for me. I am even allowed little field trips here and there if I need to run out to pick up carry-out or supplies from the drug store, so long as I'm not doing it every day, I'm not out longer than an hour or so, and I'm not going anywhere that requires lots of walking around (dear Somerset Collection and Target, I will miss you). So things likely won't change much for me - I'll still be spending most of my days on my couch. However, I am super relieved to not have to worry that every time I stand up for more than 5 minutes that she's going to fall right out (don't laugh, this has been a legitimate concern of mine for the last 3 weeks).
Now I can spend this afternoon relaxing and watching last night's season finale of Grey's Anatomy. Who will be the new chief resident? Will Meredith and Derek adopt the baby? Will Teddy finally admit she's in love with Henry? These are the big questions of my afternoon.
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