Friday, May 27, 2011

Prescription: Fatten up!

I had my once-monthly check-in with my midwife today. We are still planning on having the birthing experience that we want with this trouble-making baby - hopefully one very similar to what we had with Owen (although a shorter labor would be nice, thanks). So for us this means still having a midwife deliver the baby and manage my care while I'm in the hospital. We followed my midwife, Trish, from when she left Providence right after Owen was born and went to Henry Ford. And so far I couldn't be more pleased with the folks at Henry Ford, especially the midwife care I've received on the few hospital visits I've already had. But I'll save my ramblings about how much I love midwives for another post.

ANYWAY, my appointment with Trish today went well. I'm measuring perfectly and baby sounded great. However, I'm not really gaining any weight. Only about a pound in the last month. Apparently one of two things happens when you're on bed rest. Either you gain a LOT of weight because you're not burning any calories, or, like me, you lose a lot of your appetite from the inactivity, so even though you're eating well-balanced meals and snacks, its not enough to really put on any weight. So my prescription today: snack more, and eat more protein. Being a vegetarian I do have to pay attention to how much protein I get. Its not hard to do, it's just something I need to be more cognizant about. Its also a license to have a peanut butter and banana smoothie every day, which is my new favorite snack!

Here's the VERY simple recipe courtesy of
1 banana
1/8 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup soy milk
2 Tbsp honey

Blend, and enjoy!

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