So my beautiful cousin Sarah works for a major publishing company in New York. She is one of my go-to people I harass about what book I should read next, and she knows me (as my Miller cousins do) better than most people, so she knows what I like to read. Well. Today the postman knocked on my door to deliver a big old box from New York. Its contents are in the photo above, and include six novels and a boxed set of the first 8 of the Sookie Stackhouse novels for me, and a half-dozen books for Owen. I think my favorite part is the little sticky notes on each one telling me to read if I'm looking for "a good beach read" or if I "need a good cry" or "need a laugh," or, my favorite: "oooooh, sexy vampires!" I'm happy to know I'm set on good books for the next few months - thank you Sarah Anne!
I was supposed to visit Sarah over Memorial Day weekend for a little getaway with some of my cousins. Unfortunately this baby decided that I did NOT need a vacation before she arrives, as I am now unable to fly (and/or walk all over New York for a long weekend). Luckily the airline let me save my ticket for a future flight - so hopefully I'll get out there this time next year, when I'll probably REALLY need a nice girls weekend in the big city.
Also, tomorrow is the first of many "judgement days" for me (well, for my cervix, really). Its my bi-weekly doctors appointment to see how everything is, uh, holding together. If we're status quo or, dare I say, improved, I may be allowed to get up off the couch a bit here and there, which would be GREAT. If things are... less than status quo, I may be put on even more strict bedrest. Worst case scenario for me right now is hospitalized bed rest (I can't even bear the thought). Fingers crossed that we aren't admitted to a hospital again until sometime in September to actually have this baby!
I will keep my fingers crossed that you can stay home!