Thursday, August 25, 2011

Scary things: storms and kick counts.

So a storm rolled through metro-Detroit on Saturday. And basically a mini-tornado came down our little residential street. Eric and Owen were out of town, but my parents had just gotten to our house and were about to start painting upstairs. The wind shear that took down half the trees in our neighborhood came so fast and furious that my mom was still yelling at us to get in the basement when it had already blown past. Luckily we had no major house damage, but right after the storm, our front yard looked like this:

And here's how it looked in the morning. Pretty much the same, but without the crappy flash.

With Eric being out of town (and not having the time to deal with this even if he WAS in town), I decided we needed some professional help. What I couldn't capture in photos was all of the serious debris that was also hovering 50 feet in the air lodged in the tree that also needed to come down - clearly a job for a tree professional. Luckily within 24 hours I had 4 different tree service companies knocking on my door scavenging for work. The guys I chose (A.W.D. Tree out of Rochester, who we now highly recommend) gave a great quote and did a fantastic job. They were working on it Monday afternoon when Eric and Owen got home. Despite the loud noise from the chipper, Owen thought watching the climber drop the huge branches out of the tree was pretty cool.

And since we've been talking about having someone come and clean up the tree since we moved in (lots of dead wood and suckers weighing down some of the bigger branches), we decided to have these guys take care of that for us, too. It's amazing what a difference that has made - the whole tree looks healthier and lighter (and there's the bonus of not being so paranoid about it dropping big branches in storms anymore). We don't know how old the tree is, but it's definitely one of the biggest silver maples I've ever seen - we want to keep it healthy and happy!

Another scary thing in my life right now? Kick counts. I never really did them with Owen - I had just started them and went into labor a few days later. But I've been doing them with this baby for 2 weeks now. And despite her crazy and almost constant movements, she seems to really like freaking me out by being completely still whenever I sit down and try to focus on those movements and track the "kicks."

This, of course, throws me into a panic every single time. For the first few days I was getting 10 kicks within about 10 minutes. But since then it has taken 20, 30 and once even 45 minutes to get those same 10 kicks. Which is still totally normal (abnormal would be if all of a sudden it took 3 hours to get 10 kicks). But still. I feel like she's messing with me. Already. I'm pretty sure she's gonna be a stinker from the moment she's born - this is mostly due to a dream I had the other night that the minute she was born she started talking and telling me I had bought the wrong kind of formula (which is ironic, as I will be nursing just as I did with Owen).

Anyway... Owen and I are laying low this weekend while Eric runs his first (and I'm hoping last - cause it's just nutty) ultra-marathon on Saturday. That's 50 miles, folks. In ONE race. I don't get it. But we will be wishing him lots of luck and love - Run daddy, run!

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